Best Peaceful Fish Tank Mates for Shrimp in Freshwater Tank
Shrimp and fish are two different types of aquatic life that cannot be generally kept together in the same aquarium.
Shrimp are part of food chain for most fish. So, it is not advisable to put shrimp in a tank with any fish. Most fish will love to eat shrimp. However, there are a few fish that can be kept with shrimp in aquarium as well as can live with them in harmony.
Also, the shrimp can consume a lot of nutrients and food while the fish is still growing and may harm their growth by eating too much. So take care to have a properly size tank when keeping fish and shrimp together.
With that said, there are some fish species that can be kept with shrimp in an aquarium as long as proper care is taken.
What Fish You Can Keep With Shrimp?

If you decide to keep your shrimp in a fish tank then you must know which fish species that will be good tankmates.
The best fish for shrimp are generally small in size. There are some small fish that work well with shrimps such as guppies, firemouth cichlids, dwarf gobies, and livebearers.
Large fish can sometimes get stuck on the shrimps and may eat the shrimp if you are not careful.
In this article, we will look at ten peaceful fish you can keep with freshwater shrimp, without the shrimp turning into a quick snack:
1. Guppies

Guppies are very popular fish for shrimp aquariums because they are small enough to fit in with the shrimp and you can easily check on them.
They eat algae and some vegetables, so you do not need to purchase vegetable food for your guppies. Guppies have some herbivorous tendencies, but most of the time they only come out over nutrients that are available in a shrimps tank.
2. Celestial Pearl Danio

The Celestial Pearl Danio is a shoaling fish that does well in the community tank. They are silverfish with bold black stripes and red fins. The Celestial Danio is a small variety of danio and grows to only one inch.
They live for up to 5 years, making them great beginner fish for the beginning aquarist or for people who do not want to invest a lot into their aquarium.
They grow no larger than one inch, so they can live happily with your shrimp without being eaten.
3. Otocinclus Catfish

These small catfishes can live peacefully alongside shrimp. They are algae eaters and are often used in the same aquariums as shrimp because of how hard they work to keep the tank clean and healthy.
They are peaceful aquarium fish that do not need a lot of space, so they are a good choice for people who want to keep small tanks. These catfish grow up to 1 inch long and can live up to 3 years.
4. White Cloud Mountain Minnow (Yunnanilus brevis)

This species of fish is a great choice for shrimp keepers due to its small size and peaceful behavior.
It is an excellent option for people who do not want to keep more aggressive fish in their tanks because the white cloud mountain minnow rarely grows larger than 1 inch.
It feeds on detritus and microorganisms, which makes it a great match for shrimp tank owners.
5. Ember Tetras

Ember Tetras are a good choice for your shrimp aquarium. They are peaceful and do not get bigger than 2 inches.
These fish like to school, so you should have at least 6 of them, but if you can provide them with enough space – the more the better.
Ember Tetras like to be kept in an acidic environment, as well as with the right amount of light and temperature. This type of tetra grows up to 4 years old and likes soft and slightly acidic water.
6. Endler’s Livebearers

Endler’s livebearers are peaceful fish that are easy to breed. They can grow up to 1.5 inches long and are very active, swimming in schools in the middle of the aquarium.
They are also very suitable for shrimp tank set-ups and they don't disturb the shrimp much.
Endler’s livebearers are omnivorous and eat both plants and meat. Some common varieties of Endler’s livebearer are killer blue colors, longfin, albino, and Halfmoon.
They have been bred to live in a variety of aquatic environments.
7. Sparkling Gourami

Most gourami types come in various sizes, including medium-sized fish, and will thus consume shrimp when kept with each other. In most freshwater tanks, it’s best to not keep gouramis with shrimp.
However, if you're really committed to keeping both fish species together in a tank, then sparkling gourami is a good option.
Sparkling gouramis are small and less aggressive than most other fish in their family.
They mostly grow to be a length of between an inch and an inch and a half, which means that the shrimp will most likely not fit into the mouths of the fish.
8. Corydoras Catfish

Corydoras are popular fish for freshwater aquariums, especially the smaller types that are known as diminutive corys.
Corydoras cats may be attractive to look at but they cannot eat shrimps. They do not grow more than an inch in length and are quite peaceful. However, they are omnivores.
9. Harlequin Rasboras

Harlequin Rasboras are hardy fish that requires a well-established aquarium with lots of space to move around in.
The Harlequin Rasbora is an easy and delicate fish to care for, and they will feed on leftover food from your shrimp tank.
They grow up to 2 inches long and can live for up to 4 years. These small and colorful fish are great types of tropical fishes to keep with your shrimps.
10. Neon Tetras

This little fish is actually one of the best types of freshwater fish when it comes to keeping fishes with shrimps. It’s also a great choice to keep in a community aquarium as it’s peaceful and doesn’t harm other fishes.
On top of that, the view of these little fishes swimming around together in a group can be a visual treat. Neon Tetras are peaceful and small fishes and they are highly unlikely to bother the shrimp.
The size of the Neon Tetras is another great advantage as they will not consume the shrimp. The colors on the Neon Tetras are stunning, and this is one of the best reasons to have this fish species in your tank.
How to care for your shrimps in the Aquarium?

Listed below are a few tips with the help of which your shrimps will thrive:
• Aquarium Size

Shrimp can be kept in smaller tanks, but larger tanks have more oxygen and better environments for shrimp to live.
Shrimp also enjoy exploring a large space for their little legs to walk around in. Also, shrimp are prey animals who have a tendency to escape from the tank or even wash up on the floor if there is not enough room.
• Water Temperature

Shrimp prefer 10-26C and should always be transferred to their new aquarium at this temperature. Shrimps will also survive in a lower temperature but they cannot be expected to reproduce inside it, which is why it’s important for them to reach their proper environment when they are transported.
• Food And Diet

Shrimp are scavengers who feed on most things they find in the tank, including snails. They also eat all sorts of leftover fish food, including pellets and flakes.
You can supplement their diet with algae wafers or shrimp pellets to ensure that they are getting everything they need.
• Substrate

Shrimp like to burrow under gravel or decor for protection from other fish, but this exposes them to danger so it is important to change the substrate frequently.
• Aquatic Plants

Shrimp love to hide among aquatic plants such as hydrilla, milfoil, and Ludwig. These plants are great for shrimp but can take over an aquarium if not carefully maintained.
• Decorations

Shrimp will climb on tubes and other decorations, so it is best to provide them with sufficient places to escape into. Plastic tubes which have a large opening at the bottom work best for this purpose.
Final Words
As you can see in the article above, there are many types of fish that you can keep with your shrimps without having to worry about them getting eaten.
Remember to always research any new fish that you want to introduce into your tank and make sure that they are compatible with your shrimp.
It’s also important not to put too many fish or shrimps in the tank at once, so you’ll want to ensure that they all have enough room.
So which fish do you keep with your shrimps? Let us know your thoughts on the article in the comment section below.
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