Fishxperts is an online website that covers everything related to aquariums, aquarium maintenance and aquatic animals, especially fish.
It is designed to assist the new aquarium owners who have had a bad experience and ended up almost before they even started. We focus on making the lives of such newbie aquarists easier and enhancing the knowledge of the experienced ones.
Fishxperts began as a helping hand to fish enthusiasts and is now a comprehensive guide for them at every step of fish-owning lifestyle. As we gathered more knowledge in the field, our zest to share the same with our fellow readers fired up equally.
Our team of contributors are guided by the vision of sharing information with people on the types of aquariums, fish caring tips, aquarium maintenance, how to setup a fish tank, and so on.
Here we provide something for every aquarium owner. Whether you are buying your first ever fish tank or getting your dream tropical fish tank going – we have something for you!
At Fishxperts, we provide information on:
- Types of aquariums
- Aquarium equipment
- Aquarium setup & maintenance
- Aquascaping
- Water chemistry and treatment
- Fish care
- Fish selection and stocking guide
We do a thorough research and provide you with the latest updates and the most efficient products which saves you a lot of time, thus sparing you to enjoy the thrill.

I was born in Reynolds Alley, United States. I started off with fish-keeping as just a hobby but overtime, I got hooked to it. Now it has become my passion!
I have always been more inclined towards freshwater fish because they bring beauty and color to your home and are also very relaxing to watch. Keeping freshwater fish has many health benefits as well and that is why they contributed to my inclination towards them.
As a child, I mostly had to find answers to my curiosity through trial and error method. My dad, being a freshwater enthusiast himself, would sometimes help me in conducting my research. Overtime, I had gained enough knowledge about fish and fish-keeping that I decided to run my own blog.
Today I work at Alpha Beta as Aquarium Commissioner and in my free time, I write blogs on fish-keeping. All the knowledge that I share with people is my own research. Today I am a proud owner of 3 freshwater aquariums with different types of marine animals!
It has been 25 years now and I am still not over my hobby. Even today, I get as much excited as I used to get as a teenager, whenever I see a fish.

I have lived in Portland all my life and I am very proud of that especially because the place is famous for its eco-friendliness. I have been a nature lover since I was a kid and I guess it is the result of the nature-friendly environment that I was brought up in.
Apart from being a nature lover, I am also an animal lover, especially aquatic animals. Taking care of different kinds of fish has been my passion for a long time now.
But it hasn’t always been a smooth ride, as back in my young days there was no internet available from where I could find answers to my questions. So I had to mostly rely on books and the little practical knowledge I used to get from my teachers.
During the trial and error method I made many mistakes, which cost the lives of many of the fish I had. But I learned the art overtime. Now I have dozens of aquariums, kept at my home and it has never caused me stress to take care of all of them.
My wife loves fish as well and she helps me in taking care of them. Having aquariums at my home gives me peace and the fish are quite fascinating to watch.
I work as a counseling psychologist and the job could get quite stressful sometimes. But having aquariums soothes me from the stress and excites me at the same time, as I have been passionate about them all my life.
My love and passion for fish-keeping knows no bounds and so I decided to help others who are just as clueless as I was at the beginning. I help people in keeping their aquariums peaceful and healthy by answering all of their queries.
I have also written articles on the various common questions that I have been asked all these years, on my website. It also contains reviews on different aquariums and their accessories. So if you have any doubt, you can consult it.
Even at 42 years I think I am still learning! Knowledge knows no bounds.

Hi, I am Christine. I am 32 years old and have been living in Adams Avenue, United States for the past 15 years. I have lived with my grandparents for the most part of my childhood, in the countryside, which made me grow fonder of nature.
I developed a love for tropical fish when I turned 11 as my parents gifted me a tropical fish tank. Since then it has been a lifelong passion!
When I turned 20, I started working in fish business as a professional. By 22, I had kept a variety of fresh and saltwater fish as well, and even invertebrates, aquatic reptiles and amphibians!
Aquatic animals have always amused me. There is something about them that I never noticed in other animals. Now I work as a wholesale buyer for Vitagee, but I am still constantly learning about this hobby.
I love learning about aquatic animals whenever I am free. It helps me look for new experiences, as well as educate people who face difficulty in managing aquariums. I conduct workshops every month for the newbie to the aquarium world.

Even at 35 years I have been developing new budding interests in different aspects of the fish-keeping hobby. I have always loved fish-keeping. I was born and brought up in Springfield, United States.
When I was 15 years old, I remember I was suffering from severe cold. So my dad took me to a nearby hospital. It was there when I first saw an aquarium. It was a huge one with various kinds of organisms inside it.
While watching the fish moving inside it, for a few seconds I felt that I was alright again! I pleaded my dad to get me one and he gifted me one on my birthday, when I turned 16. The aquarium was small, but I was content with it.
Slowly I learnt everything about fish and fish-keeping from my dad and also took help from my teachers. I remember how surprised my dad was when he first noticed how enthusiastic I am about these organisms.
I developed a genuine interest in fish-keeping which was a surprising thing for my dad. Fish-keeping had been his area of interest for years but I never took him seriously whenever he talked about getting an aquarium.
Over the years, with his help I learnt the art of fish-keeping. His enthusiasm towards fish and his helpful nature towards people who are a newbie to this field, inspired me to recreate that and impart every knowledge that I have to others.
Today I am a proud fish nerd who works as an electronic masking system operator at the Sofa Express, full time. And the little spare time that I get from my work, I contribute it towards fish-keeping!